Welcome to the Official Rob Carlson website, home of all things pertaining to Rob, the Benefit Street Band and Modern Man. - Read More
Despite popular demand, I'm very pleased to announce the release of Enough Already- Too Much of Modern Man.
There was a time when David Buskin, George Wurzbach and yours truly stalked the earth purveying tasteless jibes and sophomoric songs for the amusement of mankind. But alas that time is no more. So to remind us all of those halcyon days here is a collection of twenty, count 'em, twenty songs available for listening and downloading on your streaming service of choice- YouTube, Spotify, I-Tunes, Apple Music and more. It seems that nobody much is buying physical CDs anymore, so this project is for streaming and download only.
Hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane with Modern Man. Enjoy... https://modernman.hearnow.com
All the best!

Enough Already-
Too Much of
Modern Man
Download or stream at hearnow.com

Rob Carlson
Buy CD or download at the Online Store
or download from Bandcamp
Read the CD Booklet

Angels on the Radio
Available at the Online Store

Rob Carlson and Benefit Street
Available at the Online Store

Pieces of Paradise
Available at the Online Store